Instrumental Music is an integral part of the Arts Department at Redbank Plains State High School. Instrumental Music students participate in one small group lesson per week on a rotating basis, which is in addition to their regular classroom studies.
When musically ready, students can become members of the Concert or Stage Band, and are required to rehearse once a week.
Students of the Concert Band are also members of the school’s Marching Band, a well-respected ensemble which performs at community events such as ANZAC Day marches, Ipswich Festival Parade, Ipswich Christmas Lights Parade, and the Brisbane EKKA.
Depending on the instrument played, students may also be a member of the school’s Stage Band which performs jazz repertoire at many school and community events throughout the year.
Instrumental Music students are active participants in school and community life. They are provided with many opportunities throughout the year to showcase their talent and hard work, performing at events such as assemblies, ANZAC Day, Ipswich Festival, Brisbane Band Festival, Remembrance Day, Arts Showcase, Awards Evening and Year 12 Graduation.
The Instrumental Music program is open to all students in Years 7 - 12, beginning and continuing students are catered for at Redbank Plains State High School.