136 Willow Road, Redbank Plains QLD 4301
Telephone: (07) 3432 1222
Facsimile: (07) 3432 1200
Email: Principal@redbankplainsshs.eq.edu.au
Facebook: facebook.com/RPSHS
Instagram: instagram.com/redbankplainsshs
Student Office: StudentOffice@redbankplainsshs.eq.edu.au
Compass App. Compass User Guide (PDF, 11.1 MB)
Staff Absentee Line: (07) 34321290 (24 hour line)
Download the Compass Sschool Manager App Today
Compass User Guide (PDF, 11.1 MB)
Open hours - EFTPOS and cash payments can be made at the Student Office:
Preferred Payments - BPoint and Qkr!
Email: RBPSHSPandC@outlook.com
Follow them on Facebook: Facebook.com
Campus map (PDF, 628KB)
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS). This is an Australia-wide phone and internet service.