All areas of Redbank Plains State High School are learning and teaching environments. We consider the Student Code of Conduct to be an opportunity for valuable social learning as well as a means of maximising the success of student learning programs.
Positive Behaviour Learning (PBL) is an
Education Queensland initiative that provides schools with a framework for
creating positive learning environments.
The key focus is on defining, teaching and supporting appropriate
student behaviours. PBL has been
proven to improve academic performance by reducing problem behaviours, thus allowing
students and staff to focus on the core business of teaching and learning.
As a school community we have decided upon four key
behavioural expectations that reflect our values. These are: Respect, Excel,
Attend and Learn.

We explicitly teach these expectations to students and
promote REAL behaviour throughout the school community. The teaching of
expected positive behaviours is complimented by recognition of REAL
behaviour. Our goal is to ensure that
there is a clear and consistent message regarding behavioural expectations at
Redbank Plains State High School.
REAL students are recognised on an ongoing basis with
Scratch Cards, Random Roar Recipient vouchers, postcards, REAL stationery and
School and Community Enrichment badges.