Music Activities
Our Instrumental Music Program is an integral part of the Arts Department at Redbank Plains State High School. It continues to grow and thrive, engaging students in all aspects of music. Through learning a musical instrument, students gain opportunities to extend their musical ability, learn a variety of teamwork skills and meet other students by participating in band activities.
We offer the following instrumental music lessons and ensembles:
- Instrumental Music lessons: one 35 minute lesson per week during class time, on a rotating timetable.
Woodwind, brass, percussion and bass guitar lessons are offered.
Students are encouraged to continue learning the instrument they began in primary school.
Any students who didn’t learn an instrument in primary school and who now wish to learn are encouraged to begin learning at the beginning of the year.
Any student who transfers to RPSHS who has been learning an instrument at their old school is encouraged to keep learning and will be welcomed.
- Concert Band: one rehearsal before school each week – Friday mornings 7:30-8:45 am
- Stage Band: one rehearsal before school or at lunch time each week – currently Tuesday lunch
- Marching Band: After school on Fridays when needed (in the weeks leading up to a march)