What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?
A USI is a student's individual education number for life. It also gives students an online record of their vocational education and training (VET) undertaken in Australia. If students are at TAFE or doing other nationally recognised training, they need a USI.
Who needs a USI?
- a student studying nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- a higher education student seeking a HELP loan or Commonwealth Supported Place
- a higher education student graduating in 2023 or beyond.
Creating your USI
If you are in Australia, or are an Australian citizen
Step 1: Create your USI
You can create your USI on the Australian Government website below. You will need at least one valid form of identification.
Step 2: Share your USI details with the school
You can share your USI with the Senior School Team or training providers by:
- printing or emailing your USI verification details
- giving them access to view and/or update your USI account.
Find out more: usi.gov.au/students/give-provider-access
Please Note: Ensure you update your contact details regularly to make it easier to access your USI account.
VET transcripts
VET students can use their USI to access an authenticated VET transcript. It shows
the outcomes of all nationally recognised training undertaken since 2015.
It can be used for:
- a credit transfer or demonstrating pre-requisites for further training
- a backup if the original documentation is lost
- proving qualifications to employers and licensing bodies
- reducing unnecessary retraining that can result from lost credentials.
Find out more: usi.gov.au/transcripts
USI Procedures (PDF, 603KB)
USI Privacy Form (PDF, 462KB)
USI factsheet for parents (PDF, 230KB)
Factsheet on Student information for USI (PDF, 327KB)
USI student identifier quickguide (PDF, 304 KB )