The Parents and Citizen Association (P&C) offers an opportunity for parents to be informed about school activities and to contribute to the services offered by the P&C to the School community.
The President of the Parents and Citizens’ Association and the executive team liaise closely with the Principal and the school leadership team to identify and respond to identified needs. Educational equipment and teaching aids are purchased. Sporting materials are provided and ground improvements are constantly being undertaken.
What does the P&C Association do?
The P&C is about people just like you – parents, care-givers and community-minded people who want to help their school. The P&C work very closely with the school, building a stronger school community where all children benefit.
The functions of a P&C are:
- to foster general community interest in educational matters;
- to encourage closer cooperation between the parents of students attending the school, members of the community, the staff and students of the school;
- to provide advice and recommendations to the Principal on issues and concerns in respect to the student body and the general operations and management of the school;
- to provide or assist in the provision of financial or other resources or services for the benefit of students of the school;
- to perform any other functions as the Minister may determine, not inconsistent with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006.
The P&C operates the school canteen and uniform shop.
Why join the P&C?Actions always speak louder than words when it comes to valuing your child’s learning. Joining the P&C is one of the best ways to show your children how much you value their education and how interested you are in what they do. By joining the P&C, you are showing your children how committed you are to helping students and our school community. Participating in P&C activities can also help you to form friendships with other parents/carers and feel a part of our school community.
A lot can and has been achieved through the P&C and school working together
towards common goals. To continue this important work, the P&C needs people from all walks of life and with a range of talents who are committed to delivering great outcomes for their children and school.
Everybody has a role to play - your ideas will be heard. The more people who are involved, the more exciting and successful the P&C will be.
How can you help?
- Are you interested in contributing your thoughts on school management?
- Do you have an hour or two to spare to volunteer?
- Can you find 2 hours once a month to attend a P&C meeting?
These are just a few of the ways you can be part of our school P&C.
Membership eligibility.
- Category A: Parents/guardians of children attending the school.
- Category B: A staff member of the school.
- Category C: Other persons of or above the age of 18 years who are interested in the welfare of the school, subject to some conditions.
The P&C meets on the third Monday of most months in the Resource Centre (Library) at 6.30pm.
P&C Committee
| Ms Rachel Scott
Vice President
| Mr Steve Scott
| Mrs Liz Riegler
| Mrs Sonia Watts
Follow them on Facebook.
Become a member
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The Department of Education through Redbank Plains State High School State High School is collecting personal information in accordance with Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 in order to maintain our records. The information will only be accessed by Department of Education. The information will not be given to any other person or agency unless consent is provided.