
Transition programs


​​​Navigating high school roadshows

In Navigating High School Roadshows, Redbank Plains State High School staff visit our affiliated primary schools, accompanied by Year 7 RPSHS students. The Year 7 students share their stories about their transition to high school.

These roadshows provide primary school students the opportunity to ask questions about the transition from primary school to high school, and inform students about our extracurricular programs​ and scholarship opportunities​. Students take home an enrolment pack and discuss enrolment with their parents and/or caregivers.

High school experience programs

Literacy Challenge

Students are provided the opportunity to compete in an online literacy challenge. A winner is selected from each of the feeder schools, and an overall winner is determined. Prizes are then issued at Primary school assemblies. We open the competition to year 5 and 6 students from our affiliated primary schools.

Year 5 STEAM project

Selected students will compete in a 2-part STEAM day. The group is split into two and complete an activity with our Digital Technologies teachers and a design challenge with our Junior Maths and Science teachers. This program allows interested students to meet high school teaching staff and experience the facilities available at Redbank Plains State High School.

Year 6 Academic excellence class

Students will take part in a 3-week project, developed and taught by the JSS Head of Department. The project will challenge students’ knowledge and understanding of key concepts taught in core subjects within the Australian Curriculum for year 7.

Transition day

Our Year 6 Transition Day is a great opportunity for students enrolled in Year 7 for the following year to meet our teachers, support team and other students at Redbank Plains State High School. 

Providing a range of transition activities in Year 6 can enable primary school students to prepare for their move to secondary school.​

At the Transition Day students will:

  • Take part in exciting STEM learning activities - 'STEM' stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics​
  • Meet Year 7 teaching and support staff 
  • Meet future Year 7 peers
  • Prepare for their move to high school
  • Be provided lunches during the day​

Orientation week

Students engage in a series of introductory rotations during their first weeks of high school. They are introduced to their teachers, support services and extracurricular opportunities at Redbank Plains State High School. Through these rotations, students can familiarise themselves with the physical layout of the school and navigate the junior secondary areas for themselves. 

Careers Expo

The careers expos is a great way for students and parents to explore post-school options.

At the careers expo, families can talk to representatives from education providers, student support services, employers and industry groups about careers, courses, and training and employment opportunities of interest to them.​

Parent meet and greet

The Parent Meet and Greet provides an opportunity for parents and teachers to develop a positive relationship allowing for greater support in the teaching and learning of their child. Parents are first introduced to the support provided at Redbank Plains State High School with a demonstration of the number of staff in contact with each student on a daily basis. They are then invited to meet their child’s teachers and ask questions 

Last reviewed 21 August 2024
Last updated 21 August 2024